

In total we have 850 children in our schools. Just over 300 children of these are sponsored by one of  'our' sponsor parents, these are orphaned and/or disadvantaged children. The other 550 children have parents. They pay school fees and are not the responsibility of Kinderhulp Afrika. However...the  schools both need revenue to exist. 

Because the lockdown does not allow work in Uganda, all these parents receive no income. As a result, when the schools reopen, these parents will not be able to pay school fees. Because we do not want these children to be unable to go to school, we see the need to contribute to this.

In addition, under normal circumstances, 60% of the costs are paid by the income of the schoolfees. It is therefore necessary for the preservation of the schools that we continue to contribute to this, until the school fees can be paid by the parents again.

