Jolly Phonics

Literacy and grammar programme - Jolly Phonics

The children in our school come from different tribes throughout Uganda, each with its own language and culture. Teaching in our schools is in English and Luganda. Every year we face the challenge of teaching the most basic and rudimentary language skills to the new pupils so that they can reach the same level of literacy skills as their fellow classmates. Only then is it possible to teach the whole class effectively.

op schoolThrough our contacts with other schools, Childrens Welfare Mission learned about a respected resource - ‘Jolly Phonics’. The website explains:

Jolly Phonics is a fun and child-centred approach to teaching literacy through synthetic phonics. With actions for each of the 42 letter sounds, the multi-sensory method is very motivating for children and teachers, who can see their students achieve. The sounds are taught in a specific order (not alphabetically). This enables children to begin building words as early as possible.”

Sounds, actions and the spoken word of an experienced teacher are vital in helping to overcome differences in language and literacy skills, especially in the lower classes of the school. Older children are sometimes admitted into the upper classes with an educational and language deficit. It can be very difficult for them to cope in class and to be accepted by their peers. The Jolly Phonics programme will help them to catch up quickly in a fun way, and gain language competence and self-confidence. The programme materials and equipment will therefore benefit the entire primary school.  


What will be purchased?

It is our wish to purchase the necessary technology and specialist equipment to make the Jolly Phonics programme a successful tool in primary school education. In addition to the programme hardware, a robust cabinet is required for the safe and secure storage of the specialised equipment.

Who and how many people will directly benefit from the project?

The Jolly Phonics teaching materials and the equipment will benefit the kindergarten and the entire primary school, approximately 300 pupils. The emphasis is directed towards the younger pupils in the lower classes.

What will be the long term effect on the target group after finalisation of the project?

The primary goals are:

  • To align the language skills of primary school pupils that come from different language backgrounds, making use of audio equipment and supporting visualisations, in a playful setting.
  • To enhance overall creativity and literacy skills through the playful combination of sounds and words. This should improve overall learning abilities, and quality and effectiveness of education of the entire school.


The total costs of one package are € 2,336 (equivalent to £1,938 or $ 2,522). However we would like to be able to purchase a second package so that the kindergarten and lower classes can have their own set of materials. The breakdown of these costs is set out here

Will you help us fund this project? 

Donations can be made by
- clicking the button giving you the option to donate by credit card
- sending your gift through 
- bank transfer to IBAN NL43 INGB 000 000 5066 for the attention of Stichting Kinderhulp Afrika

