Food Aid

Food Aid

The Corona pandemic has worsened the situation for the families, who often did not have it easy anyway. For them it is now almost impossible to buy food. In Uganda no work means no income. The families who are caring for our sponsor children are also not escaping these problems. Where there was an urgent need we have already helped families, but the number of families  in need of help has been increasing  rapidly in recent weeks. The families that take care of 'our' sponsor children often consist of extented families with a lot of children to care for, their money and food supplies are starting to run out after so many weeks of lockdown. An inventory shows that about 100 out of 300 families now appear to need more help. They have no more money to buy food.

What are we going to do about that?

We have looked into the requirements to feed a family of 6 for 2 months. This consists of:

• 50 kg posho
• 25 kg of rice
• 25 kg beans
• 4 litres cooking oil

All this costs 285,000 UGX, which converted is € 70 for 2 months.
This means a total of € 7000,- for 100 families every 2 months as long as it takes.

Uw bijdrage helpt een gezin in nood

Give to the emergency fund and help a family in need. There's nothing worse than hunger.

Let's try to feed these families together!

You can transfer your donation to IBAN NL43 INGB 000 000 5066 for St. Kinderhulp Afrika by emergency fund or use the donation button below.

