Replacement equipment dentist clinic

Replacement equipment dentist clinic

Background information

The dental practice is part of the medical clinic and is located on the Kinderhulp Afrika campus. A clinic was opened on campus in 1996, as there were no medical care facilities in the entire area. It soon turned out to be necessary to expand the clinic with, among other things, a maternity ward and a dental clinic. In 1998 these were realized and put into use. In 2011 the clinic was completely renovated and expanded with two new examination rooms, an infirmary and a waiting room. The delivery and maternity rooms were renovated in 2018. The clinic cares for almost 5000 patients every year.

Current situation

Each year 500 people are treated in the dental office and the teeth of all 850 children on campus are checked.

The current dental chair is outdated and no longer works properly. The chair can no longer be raised or lowered, causing the patients to lie far back in an uncomfortable position and the dentist having to adopt a poor working position to do the job properly.

The X-ray machine is also due for replacement. This emits too much radiation, so that it is only used very limited.

The project

tandartsstoel.jpgWhat will be done? 
In order to maintain the level of care for patients, a new dental chair must be purchased and the X-ray machine must be renewed. In addition, various small medical devices must be purchased that are outdated.

Who and how many people will directly benefit from this?
The patients of the clinic and the (orphan) children of the campus. The clinic has 5000 patients on an annual basis, of which 500 patients at the dentist. In addition, all 850 (orphan) children on campus go to the dentist every year for a check-up.

What will be the long-term effect after project completion?
There will be a significant improvement in the working conditions for staff and the quality of care for patients and (orphaned) children.


Total costs for the replacement of the equipment for the clinic are € 7.860,-.
View the budget here.

Will you help us fund this project? 

Donations can be made by
- clicking the button giving you the option to donate by credit card
- sending your gift through 
- bank transfer to IBAN NL43 INGB 000 000 5066 for the attention of Stichting Kinderhulp Afrika

